Monday, July 22, 2019

Promoting Change Essay Example for Free

Promoting Change Essay As a way of improving the level of users’ involvement and making the process an effective one, it becomes necessary that consultative mechanisms that tend to produce feedbacks to users, and the ability to integrate them in every stage of service delivery is put in place. Through their interaction with nurses and the nursing body, users would get to be informed on ways to participate in other to help nurses to deliver effective services. â€Å"Users need to get feedbacks on their participation, but this does not always happen. This can have a bad effect on how people feel about being involved in participation and the difference they can make† (Carr, 2004). Social policy- making have characteristically tended to employ consultative mechanisms to seek greater citizen involvement in generating information for policy formulation. According to Gaventa (1993), the renewed focus on agency in the politics of policy- making offers the scope for recasting the role of citizens in the policy process. Rather than simply the passive recipients of decision made by those who are presumed to know better, participatory approaches redefine ‘expertise’ in terms that both reveal the realities of power involved and assert the legitimacy of knowledge claims by those on the receiving end of policies. The imbalances of power position between the professionals and administrators of service and the users have been observed to be a basis for the relegation of users’ interest to the background. Thus, for an effective mechanism, it then requires that the gap between users and the provider of service be closed down. This can be done when some of these users, who are fit enough, can be trained to become occupiers of the administrative positions for service delivery. Also proper dissemination of information and enlightenment would go a long way in positioning the users and making them know their rights and thus, preventing intimidation and any form of coercion. The importance of proper consultation and feedbacks in users’ involvement would make the users having a sense of satisfaction and the belief that they are actually being involved in the service delivery process. This will create a sense of belonging and even encourage more participation and reduce the level of relegation and disregards of users voice in the policy outcome and decision-making during service policy formulation and implementation. In Wales, the Joint Review Team argues that new mechanisms are now in place to champion the cause of the users. The emphasis is on a culture of involvement through adequate feedbacks to users enhancing users involvement in service delivery. According to Cornwall Gaventa (1999), one form of greater accountability is through increased dialogue and consultation of core users and their involvement. This raises questions about the extent to which marginalized groups are able to articulate their concerns and about the form that dialogue takes Proper conflict resolution that manages conflicts during users’ involvement is necessary in bringing about the effective service delivery and users involvement at the long run. Some articulate service users are branded as unrepresentative therefore be in risk of being ignored. â€Å"Service users who articulate the need for changes that agencies may not be willing or able to implement have sometimes being labelled as ‘unrepresentative†¦implementing changes that require reallocation of resources becoming more difficult especially if these conflict with nationally defined service priorities†. Discrepancy between what management want of user involvement and what users want may be a major source of dissatisfaction for service users, since managers definitions tend to prevail. Some reviews note that dissatisfaction and even conflict may be an inevitable part of the user participation process (ibid). Thus, it requires as a proper resolution of areas of differences that they are adequately taken cared of. Those who usually contact the users should be trained and coached on how to interact and listen to their views and opinions in order to ward off any form of conflict breeding. As Carr (2004), puts it, â€Å"the research suggests that front- line practitioners who have most contact with service users could be usefully engaged in user participation strategies and benefit from user- led training focusing on the practice and principles of user participation†. The front liner practitioners should be equipped with the knowledge of how to handle complaints when service users forward it to them. CONCLUSION Users’ involvement in service in the nursing profession has given them the confidence and pride of having a say in the determination and outcome of what is provided to them. However, report has it that some users feel consulted rather than involved and others have a sense of powerlessness as regarding the complex and confused system in which the participation is structured on. While a sense of stereotyping is being carried out in some quarters, where discrimination and marginalization based on race, minority ethnic has hampered the proper participation of some users. Some professionals relegates users’ interest, this is mostly done due to the huge lacuna of power positioning between the managers and professionals of service provision and the users. It then requires that a proper mechanism for users involvement be put in place through their understanding of the roles of nursing in the healthcare facility and those ethics governing their profession. Hence, it is advocated that a proper feedback mechanism is available; proper conflict resolution be provided for interest clash’ the users of service should be integrated into the service provision activities, where they are perceived as getting services as rights and not privileges. REFRENCES Barnes, C. Mercer G. (2003), â€Å"Research review on User Involvement in Promoting Change and Enhancing the Quality of Social care Services for Disabled People† Center for Disability Studies University of Leeds. 30 June. http://www. leeds. ac. uk/†¦/archiveuk/Barnes/SCIEuserinvolvement2. pdf (19/01/06) Carr, Sarah (2004), â€Å"Position Paper 3: Has service user participation made a difference to social care services? † Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). March.

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